Pamela T Hardiman   Liturgical Fiber Art

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Montreat Worship & Music 2010

In June 2010, I participated as the Visual Artist in the two sessions of the annual Worship & Music Conference at Montreat, NC, hosted by the Presbyterian Association of Musicians.  The daily readings were taken from the Easter season, starting with Easter and ending with Pentecost.  During each of the week-long sessions, students in my classes painted the fabric for the red fire banners, the yellow and red silks for the stage, white silk for Ascension Thursday, and two kinds of scarves to take home.  Because the students painted so much of the fabric for the environment, it became more colorful as time went on.

" What a priviledge to work with you at Montreat.  You brought so much to each day.  I've been in many conference situations, but your sense of liturgical design and spirituality are at the very top."

Rev Dr Don Saliers

musician, theologian, scholar, pastor

Light of the World, III
Light of the World, III
Preparing for procession
Preparing for procession
First day - before banners
arrive on stage
First day - before banners
arrive on stage
Water banners
16' Good News
Water banners
16' Good News
Opening procession
Opening procession
Bring banners to stage
Bring banners to stage
Stage with banners
Stage with banners
Blessing of water
Blessing of water
Sprinkling rite
Sprinkling rite
Water banners in motion 
during the sprinkling,
highlighting the motion
which would otherwise not
be seen.
Water banners in motion
during the sprinkling,
highlighting the motion
which would otherwise not
be seen.
Soaring high
Soaring high
Returning to stage
Returning to stage
Painting yellow overlays 
for backdrop
Painting yellow overlays
for backdrop
Yellow close-up
Yellow close-up
Stage with yellow overlays
Stage with yellow overlays
Font with yellow overlay
Font with yellow overlay
Ascension Thursday
Ascension Thursday
Space to walk below
Space to walk below
Starting to paint
fire banners
Starting to paint
fire banners
Drying fire
Drying fire
Fire fabric
Fire fabric
Addition of red overlays,
plus red paraments & stoles
Addition of red overlays,
plus red paraments & stoles
Service began with procession of fire banners
Service began with procession of fire banners
Fire 1
Fire 1
Fire 2
Fire 2
Moving in place
Moving in place
Fire 4
Fire 4
Fire 5
Fire 5
Fire 6
Fire 6
Stage banners join procession
Stage banners join procession
From the rear
From the rear
Light of the World III
Light of the World III
Red Celebrate!
Red Celebrate!
Stage transformed
Stage transformed
Storytelling 2
Storytelling 2
Storytelling 3
Storytelling 3
Storytelling 4
Storytelling 4
Painting water scarves
Painting water scarves
Painting water scarf
Painting water scarf
Class photo
Class photo
Painting green scarves
Painting green scarves
Class photo
Class photo
Teacher Sue Mitchell-Wallace wearing water serape
Teacher Sue Mitchell-Wallace wearing water serape